Sunday, August 10, 2008

Guy question, Jakarta airport

I lied about that being my last post from Jakarta. I'm at the airport now, which has free wireless. Crazy. It's actually a decently nice airport; many of the walkways are open air and it's laid out cheerily. It wasn't quite as big a hassle to get checked in as I thought it would be, though it involved 3 airline counters and one other counter to pay for my domestic terminal service fee.

Quick question mostly for the guys. Let's say that there's a bathroom in a well-trafficked public place and the door remains open all the time, exposing two of the four urinals to view from those walking by, like this:
X X X* X* where X* are exposed to casual observers.

The angle of exposure is maybe 45 degrees, so it's not looking directly into one's back, but it's also possibly to mostly block out the actual action. Now, if the 2nd urinal from the left in that diagram is in use (and it is the only one in use), is it appropriate to use the far right urinal (as would be normal guy etiquette) or should one use the far left urinal, which normally would be wrong but would leave you unexposed to passersby?

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